Home Maintenance – How to Keep Your Home in Top Shape

Home maintenance is a great way to save money on home repairs and improve your DIY skills. According to Andrew Ziehler, owner of Ziehler Lawn and Tree Care, if you do it yourself, you can avoid expensive repairs and replacement costs. Also, regular home maintenance helps protect your home investment by reducing the risk of problems.

Home maintenance includes internal and external inspections and cleanings. It also includes utilities and appliances that need regular inspections. You can use a home maintenance checklist spreadsheet to help you keep track of these tasks. Creating a schedule allows you to manage the maintenance process and prevent costly repairs later. By following the steps in a checklist, you can keep your home in good shape.

Performing routine home maintenance is a great way to protect your home’s value and make it look beautiful. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, it will pay off. Regular repairs and maintenance will save you thousands of dollars in the long run. For example, if you keep an eye on your appliances, you’ll avoid needing to replace them prematurely. Even gas appliances can last longer with routine maintenance.

Home maintenance is crucial when you’re looking to sell your home. By keeping your home in tip-top shape, you’ll be able to sell it at a higher price. Routine home maintenance helps protect your investment and helps you avoid one-off issues. Water damage can be very costly, so regular maintenance can help prevent this from happening.

During the winter, you should check the exterior of your home for cracks and ice dams. You should also inspect for broken or loose shingles on the roof. In colder weather, you may need to shut off the sump pump. Also, check your sump pump for rust and erosion. If your sump pump is always in ice during the winter, you need to clean it regularly.

It is also important to check the basement for moisture and dampness. It is also advisable to have your heating and cooling systems serviced and replaced with new filters. Ensure that all drains and vents are unobstructed. You can also hire a professional to clean the chimney if needed. You should also replace or install storm windows if necessary. Your gutters should also be kept clean and sealed.

You should also do outdoor home maintenance in the spring. The spring season is a great time to check for any damage from the winter season. A well-maintained exterior will keep unwanted animals out. You should make sure that you seal cracks and gaps to keep out pests. Even a small opening can be widen by persistent animals.

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