How To Transform A Spare Bedroom Into A Walk-In Wardrobe

Many of us dream of having a walk-in wardrobe but the process often seems too overwhelming. I have broken down the process into 5 steps that anyone can accomplish so you can have your dream walk-in wardrobe.

Choose and empty the room

The first step to creating your dream walk-in wardrobe is to choose the room itself. If you find yourself in a situation where you have multiple rooms to choose from then there are a few things to take into consideration before making a final decision on what room you want to convert into a walk-in wardrobe.

Firstly, be realistic about the amount of space you will need. Sometimes, you don’t need to have the biggest room as it could end up in you having lots of empty space and nothing to fill it with. You also need to think about how tall you need the space to be. It’s best to avoid any rooms with a slanted ceiling or walls that stick out as they will be harder to navigate.

Once you have chosen your room, you’ll need to completely empty it so you can have a clean base to build on. When emptying the room, you should hire a skip to make getting rid of the waste easier. Before you hire a skip, make sure you know what can go in a skip to avoid any waste not being collected.

Measure the room

The next step is to measure the room so you know what kind of space you have to work with. Make sure you measure every section of the room in detail so you can get the most out of your space. You should also measure the space at least twice to ensure your measurements are correct.

Furthermore, make sure you account for everything you want to go into the room. For example, many people opt for a chair or an extra mirror in their walk-in wardrobe, if you plan to have extra details like these make sure you are taking them into account when measuring the space.

After you have measured the space, start mapping out where you want your furniture to go to give you a rough idea of how much floor space you will have leftover.

Choose your furniture

After you know the measurements of your room, you can choose furniture that aligns with the amount of space you have. If you want to put the furniture together yourself then I’d suggest going for Ikea flat-pack wardrobes as they are easy to assemble and can be brought in bulk if you wanted the same style wardrobe throughout the room.

If you want to go high-end then places like Sharps do great built-in furniture pieces that they design and fit themselves. This is particularly good if your room is awkwardly shaped as the company can easily work around this.

Another great addition to have is a shoe rack or wall. If you don’t have a lot of floor space then I’d suggest going for a shoe wall. All you need to do is acquire some sturdy shelves and stick them to the wall where you want. 

Begin the decorating process

Once you have chosen your furniture it’s time to begin the decorating process before your furniture arrives. Neutral colours are great for a walk-in wardrobe as they won’t clash with any bright clothing you have. It also means that you will always have a neutral background when looking at your outfit in the mirror which is helpful when deciding what to wear.

When it comes to lighting, make sure you don’t implement a hanging light shade as this could take up unnecessary space and get in the way. You also want to choose a light shade that doesn’t affect the amount of light in the room or darken it. For example, dark coloured light shades will automatically make the room appear darker so you want to avoid this.

Once the base of your room is complete you can start adding your furniture and small decor details to bring the room together. If you are building the furniture yourself, I’d suggest building it in the room as you go along if you have enough room to do so as it will make it easier to move.

Add your clothes

Finally, you can add your clothes and shoes into your wardrobe. When doing this, make sure you have a system in place on how you want your clothes organised. For example, sorting them by colour will ensure you can easily find the item you are looking for.

When it comes to jackets and coats, it is probably best to have a separate section for these as they will end up taking up more room. This will also make it easier to grab a jacket if you are in a rush.

In summary

In summary, building a walk-in wardrobe can be split into the 5 steps outlined above. If you stick to these steps, you will be able to build your own walk-in wardrobe without being overwhelmed.

If you have a particularly small space that you are working with, you may have to build an extension in order to create the walk-in wardrobe you want. If you need more space then building an extension may be your only option to fit all your clothes and shoes in one place.

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