The Basics of Spray Foam Insulation
Everyone wants to keep their homes warm this winter, and insulation is a significant part of making that happen. One solution you may have come across, spray foam, may leave you wondering what the material is and how it can benefit your household. Let’s take a look at the basics of spray foam insulation.
What is Spray Foam?
Spray foam is a continually developing insulation solution. Essentially, the foam is converted into a liquid form and compressed into a container. When the installer releases the foam into the wall or roof space you intend to insulate, it will expand and harden.
Each company’s spray foam solutions involve different properties, usually related to the level of insulation it will provide, the extent to which it will expand, and the time it takes to dry out and complete the process. These different properties are usually related to the density of the foam, which is what the label will tell you.

How do I Use Spray Foam?
While you may be able to acquire the foam, using it will require a specialist. The nature of the product and the process calls for expertise and particular equipment, which will require certifications you probably haven’t obtained personally.
Calling in an expert will be well worth the cost. He or she can make sure that your insulation is installed correctly and protected from the possibility of fire, as well as following any regulations your state may impose on spray foam.
Why Should I Use Spray Foam?
In addition to the standard benefits of insulation, spray foam is superior in a few areas. The hardened material is flexible and will not leak moisture into your house, and if it receives the right treatment can protect against fire. The air sealant also helps to keep dangerous gasses, like radon, out of your home.