Building facades: types of pollution and washing methods

The need for periodic washing of the facade lies on the surface, just like the need for house washing. It’s no secret that a polluted facade not only spoils the aesthetic appearance, but also collapses faster under the negative influence of dirt. Let’s see why it gets dirty so quickly, what means and methods will help get rid of dirt on facades.

There are several natural causes of dirt:

  • General air pollution – exhaust gases, negative emissions from factories and factories, as well as everything that does not make our air cleaner.
  • Natural pollution and precipitation – rain, wind, snow, dust and plant pollen.
  • Combined, including the first and second paragraphs combined. When there is a plant or factory near your home, emissions can mix with precipitation. Such contaminants are the most dangerous because they destroy the walls of your home and even get inside.

Therefore, the best way out of the situation will be the annual scheduled washing of the facades. The only thing that stops and does not allow you to easily make such a decision is the prices that companies ask for facade washing services and the quality of work. The simplest and most reliable way out of this situation is self-cleaning. But there is one thing. In order for the cleaning process to benefit and not bring irreparable consequences, you need to carefully select a washing agent that is suitable specifically for the facade of your building. Book a professional power washing service

What are the types of pollution

Before choosing which product is best for your home, you need to understand what types of pollution are.

  • Efflorescence – salt smudges or, as they are also called, raids that stand out from cladding materials during sudden temperature changes. Such contamination must be removed with special means using water.
  • Road dust, soot and plant pollen that gets on facades and clogs the pores of the finish. The best way to remove such contaminants is sandblasting, which will be discussed a little later.
  • Insects and cobwebs. If they are removed on time, then ordinary water is enough.

Surface washing process

Before treating the facade with a cleaning agent, it is necessary to rinse it with plain warm water. For safety reasons, when working with chemicals, it is advisable to make sure that there are no children or animals nearby. Next, you need to dilute the product with water to the required proportions and gently apply it to the wall with a brush or roller.

For porous coatings, run the cleaner several times to set the effect. Let the product brew for a few minutes, then rinse it off with water.

If you treat the facade of the house with a water repellent after a couple of days, this will prevent the appearance of new pollution, efflorescence and preserve the facade of your house for a long time.

Washing in hard-to-reach places

For those places where you can’t reach with a brush or roller, it’s best to use a spray bottle, into the reservoir of which the cleanser is poured with water. If there is no sprayer at hand, then for the treatment of cracks and seams, after putting on rubber gloves, you can use an ordinary medical syringe.

Options for mechanical washing of the facade

There are several options for mechanical washing. We will give their brief descriptions:

  • High pressure washing
  • Sandblasting
  • Dry ice blasting

High pressure washing

Water pressure is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to clean facades. With it, you can easily clean the walls from atmospheric pollution. If the pollution is not very difficult, then they easily move away under strong water pressure. More details of high pressure washing


Sandblasting consists in supplying abrasive particles to the wall under high pressure, which instantly cleans it of dust and dirt. This method is very effective, up to forty square meters of surface can be processed in an hour, which is impossible with a roller or brush. But, unfortunately, it is necessary to take care of collecting the remnants of abrasive particles and acquire special equipment.

Dry ice blasting

We decided to consider this method, despite the fact that it is very expensive and is practically not used in everyday life for washing facades. In this case, as well as sandblasting, abrasive particles are used, namely, dry ice, which tends to evaporate and leave no traces behind. The disadvantages of this method also include low labor productivity and possible deformation of the surface to be cleaned.

Mandatory after washing the contaminants

After cleaning the facade from dirt, it is also necessary to treat it with a water-repellent agent. This will help you keep your facade from the appearance of new atmospheric pollution, efflorescence and mold.

After washing the facades, your house will regain its magnificent appearance again, and everyone who sees it will not be able to contain their admiration. If such procedures are carried out regularly once a year, this will also extend the service life of finishing materials and save on repairs in the future. 

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